Corporate Partnerships

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Help us build our local capacity as a corporate partner

A corporate partnership is a unique opportunity for your organisation to make a positive impact on the lives of disabled children. A corporate partnership with direct financial injection to our Foundation Fund will enable us to meet essential operational costs and building maintenance, plus machinery replacement and repair costs while assisting our mission of providing wheelchairs to kids with severe disabilities.

Why support our Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation Fund?

We’ve developed a plan to ensure we can continue to transform the lives of children previously confined to a life at ground level, and it requires not only wheelchairs, but our factory facilities, high quality manufacturing equipment, research and development and human resources.

Launched in 2020, our Foundation Fund will ensure Wheelchairs For Kids can continue well into the future, raising capital foe essential operational costs. In particular, the Fund will assist the following:

Our factory

Wheelchairs For Kids manufacture to strict World Health Organization guidelines and as such our manufacturing capability needs to be both consistent and precise. Our factory has small number of CNC profile milling machines, plus pedestal drilling machines, grinders, linishers, bending machinery, cold saw cutting machinery for both aluminium and steel components, testing equipment, drilling jigs and fixtures, plus assembly and packaging equipment.

As in any manufacturing plant, there is a constant maintenance programme, but still machines break down and need replacing; jigs and fixtures need constant maintenance and regular hardening; and there are always replacements and new equipment required.

Building maintenance and improvements are costs that are always ongoing.

A corporate partnership which could assist us in this area of factory and building maintenance would be very much appreciated.

Research and development

There is still much work to be done to ensure children with varying needs are supported, including those with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and birth defects. To address this, we will continue to conduct comprehensive research, development and field testing with leading engineers, physio and occupational therapists.

Our volunteer workforce

Led by a passionate team of retiree volunteers, we run our operations on a shoe string budget. But, as our organisation grows, this isn’t sustainable. So, we are seeking funding to secure our financial future and enact a succession plan for our ageing management and operational team, who currently all act in a volunteer capacity.

Our Stories

Br Olly WA Senior Australian of the Year 2025
Help us put the wheels in motion
Radio Interview with Br Olly Picket

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Give the transformative gift of mobility